Monday, September 8, 2008

If US votes in McBush its SAME as always, torture,no taxes 4 RICH or corp. taking jobs away+WAR,etc!
Hey! W/ I just posted 2 my other networks! Thanks Ariane! @
Don't forget I have free coloring pages & letter from the tooth fairy on my website: -Kathy

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Michael Haydon's Website

"12 Ways To Name Your Cat"
How to name your kitten, and have some fun along the way.
Naming your cat has to be one of the most difficult choices you will have to make. Most cats come home as kittens and will display a unique personality which may suggest name to you. Soon however, they may change and the name you first thought of may seem silly or inappropriate. If you have had cats before and allowed your child to choose, Henry soon became Henrietta. Perhaps you named a cat Tiny and later they outgrew their name. Her are some ideas to get you started on choosing the best name for your four legged companion.

1. Look around the neighborhood. Are there any place names that you can adapt kitty’s name to?
2. Cats have been named after people, song titles, movies and other things that appeal to their owners.
3. How independent is your new cat. If they need constant attention then a cute cuddly name will be better. If they are aloof, then maybe an upper class name or title will suit better.
4. Consider the length of the name you choose. If it’s too long you will Be re’s how to do just that. First, talk to her and ask questions about possible names. When she hears her name she may respond with a cute "yes that’s my name" or alternatively "No, now get serious". Sometimes kitty will pay attention if you seem to be on the right track, and other time just walk away. Either way she’s given you an idea, so why not try it even if you don’t like the choice. Using this method, you will soon learn a valuable lesson, and that is, whichever way you look at it, pussy will always get her own way.

By Michael Haydon
Published: 1/26/2007

Michael's info:

Michael Haydon
I have owned and run many businesses both online and off. I have worked principally in the fields of finance and mortgages over the past 8 years.
Prior to this I worked in the managemant of a large ntional company in the area of workplace health and safety.

I have degrees in Arts and at the moment I am completing a Graduate Diploma Program in Counselling.

Interests and Hobbies:
I have always had an interest in Alternative Medicine and Self Development as well as Conflict Management, which is the focus of my current studies.

I have been a practicing Counsellor within some voluntary organisations for many years and have run trainuing/mentoring sessions for peolpe with financial difficulties.


Be sure to check out his website OK?